Tuesday, August 31, 2010

And the winner is...

Jen McClellan who wrote: I love, love , love the Maroon felt flower w/quail feathers hair clip!!!! You make such beautiful clips :) I really love them all.

Thanks Jen for entering and you will get your clip this week.

Thanks for those who participated. Stay tuned for new items and more giveaways.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Giveaway Time!!

It's Friday! It's been a VERY long week, and since I'm so happy it's Friday, I feel like giving something away.

Have you been to Purdy Burdy's Etsy shop yet?

Do you see an item you like in the shop?

Do you want an item in the shop?

Maybe you like something like this

Or perhaps this

The winner will get to pick any item from the Purdy Burdy Etsy shop!

All you have to do is leave a comment on the blog and let me know which hair accessory tickles your fancy. I will pick one winner at random on Monday. You will have it in time to look fabulous for the upcoming Labor Day weekend.

Good Luck!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Erica, creator of Oh Just Dandy is a very talented artist who has a very vivid imagination, and uses her artsy skills to create awesome stuff. I'm very proud to call her my friend, I just seem to be drawn to very talented people ;) She paints, builds, draws, you name it. She is also a very skilled graphic designer.

Erica was one of the first people to help me build my Purdy Burdy business. She was my cheerleader, my back patter, and always had an honest opinion for me. As a birthday present, she made me what is now the Purdy Burdy logo. She asked what kind of branding I was interested in, I threw some random pictures of birds from google her way, and if you didn't know, I'm in love with the final product. She took a thought of mine, had little direction, and came up with something I would have never thought of. She managed to take a little of me, and create a logo from it, and this was her first draft! The mind of an artist boggles me.

She is a fun, easy going person who aims to please her client. She loves what she does, and hopes to focus more on her talents, so if your in need of her artistic skills, send her an email!

If you ever need an artist for:

murals (rooms, company walls)
you name it, then Oh Just Dandy is your gal.

Here is just a small taste of the work she has done: